Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Yesterday was our Grand-son Austin's birthday.  He turned 17.  It seems like yesterday when they moved to Texas. Our daughter-in-law flew to Chicago to get Austin and Brooke and the kids stayed with us over the weekend while Joy and Rob moved here.  I mentioned to Joy that Austin crawls like an army soldier. (using only his arms and elbows) Joy said "What?"  He has never crawled before. He is a tall, handsome and sweet young man now.  We love him very much.


Austin's 17th Birthday!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A few days after I returned home from Indiana and Chicago Bob and I took a short trip to Galveston. The purpose was to get away from therapy, doctors, working in the gym and the same oh same oh to spend some focused time together.  It was really nice.  We both relaxed a lot. Bob got into the pool for the first time since the stroke.  He did very well but had to hold on the the edge of the pool.  Since then he got into the pool at the rec center. Bob said he used muscles he hasn't used for a long time. While in Galveston we had an early dinner at Gaido's Restaurant for sea food.  The restaurant opened in 1911.  Our waiter had been there for 42 years and said he loves his job.  The food is awesome.  It is a must visit should you go to Galveston.

Bob in Galveston

Jane, Ben, and Draven

Jane and Ben with second cousin Draven.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bob insisted I drive to Chicago for a day to see Jane, Ben and Jake since I was that close before heading home.  I am glad I was able to do that.  While at Jane's my brother Sy and his family visited for a while.  The picture below is of Sy and Hollie with their daughter Lisa and her husband and little boy.
Hopefully next time I go north Bob will be able to go with me.

Silas, Hollie, Draven, Lisa and Nick

About a month ago my Aunt Geneva passed away.  She was 91.  May she rest in peace. Aunt Geneva was the last sibling in my Dad's family.  One of the sweetest memories I have of her is when I was a young girl in the 7th grade I had to walk a mile to school.  I struggled with walking due to having Polio when I was four years old.  Many times my Aunt would just happen to be driving by my school and offer to drive me home.  She really had a big heart and I will never forget that about her.

Bob had appointments he needed to keep so I drove to Lafayette Indiana for the funeral and to spend some time with family.  I stayed with Tim and Linda.  Tim has had about five open heart surgeries and has also been fighting cancer for the past seven years.  He has been having a very difficult time with treatment and I wanted to spend some time with him.  The picture below is my brother Tim, my brother Stan and his Grand-daughter Reah.  That was the first time meeting Reah.  She is so precious.
Seventeen hours is a long way to drive by myself.  I stayed near St. Louis with my son-in-law Rob's sister Carrie.  I just love her.  Not only did I not have to go to a hotel by myself but I got to visit and spend time with Carrie.  On the way home we went to a near by Cajun Restaurant "Who Dat."

Even though Bob is doing really well I was concerned about leaving him home alone.  He is not able to cook for himself but he can warm things in the microwave.  The kids were very gracious and had Bob to dinner almost every night.  When I called Bob he would tell me of things he was doing at home and I think even though he missed me he was excited about his independence.

Tim, Stan and Reah

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy Anniversary Angie and Brent!

Married in Oct. 2011 it doesn't seem that much time has passed.  We wish you many more happy years together Angie and Brent.