Monday, April 2, 2012

Last week we took a vacation with Bob's sister and her family at Disney World..  Their daughter Joyce was there to perform at Disney World with her school orchestra.  She was with the Wheaten / Warrenville Orchestra Group.  The performance was outstanding which included Disney related songs.  We were so thankful to be able to spend time with their family and to be spectators at their her performance.

We have so many beautiful photos of Disney World which will follow in future posts.  They were featuring their flower and garden show.



Angela2932 said...

What a fantastic opportunity for all of you! I'm so glad you got to go! And certainly, you'll post the photo of you on the cart, won't you? Ever since MaryAnn sent it to me, I laugh about it!!! It's a hoot! I love your laugh in it, and Bobio was a great "accessory", chasing or being chased.

Joanne said...

Ok, I am officially jealous!!! Disney world is my absolute favorite place. We haven't been able to go in recent years :0(
I can't wait to see the pictures!
Blessings, Joanne