Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The End of a Busy Day

After a busy day Bob and I sat out on the dock. We watched the fish jump and the ducks and birds fly around while watching one of our neighbors come in from a fishing trip and waved hello to another neighbor. The weather was perfect and we stayed there until the sun went down. Life is good.


Maria said...

How incredibly wonderful!!!! It's so nice that you don't take it for granted and actually pause to take note of how delightful it is to sit outside and watch your lake. Last summer I took a week's vacation and just stayed home, and every day, I sat out in the back with my cup of coffee, istened to the birds and enjoyed the weather, which was perfect. These simple moments is what true happiness is all about.

Angela2932 said...

What a little piece of heaven this all looks like! Now I'm really regretting that I didn't go for a bike ride or sit in the yard today.