Monday, October 24, 2011

Homecoming Ribbons

It has been brought to my attention (thank you Maria) that when we moved to Texas in 1989 we inherited the homecoming mum tradition. A few states participate such as Oklahoma but in Texas like everything else it has become huge. If you have a date for homecoming the guy gives the girl a mums ribbon. The girl gives the guy the garter mums ribbon which are worn on the arm. They wear the ribbons at school the day of Homecoming and also to the game. When we first moved here it was kind of simple with a large mum and a few ribbons. Now they consist of the large mums, lots of ribbons, stuffed bears, lights and more. The bigger the better. Everyone either crafts them themselves or pay to have it done. Stores such as Hobby Lobby have a section with supplies to create one yourself. Some stores have them already made. It has become big business for crafters in the area. This site is one of the sites that will give more detail into the history of the mum tradition.


Maria said...

What a cute tradition! As long as it stays within the realm of ribbons and flowers it seems O.K. to me. Hopefully it won't escalate to something even more elaborate and expensive and ruin this for everyone. Peyton's ribbons are lovely.

Joanne said...

What a cool tradition! I have never heard of this. I went to the site . Some of them are so big I guess the girls just hold them rather than risk ripping their dress from the sheer weight of them! LOL