Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to All!

Bob has been on vacation this past week.  He spent much of his time preparing the flooring for our new shed.  It doesn't look like it but it involved several trips to Home Depot, (which is 25 minutes away) vigorous digging, leveling and carrying materials. He also spent a lot of time soaking in the tub to relax his muscles after all of the  manual labor. It will be worth the trouble as we will be excited to organize our garage when he is finished.
We also took the Grand-kids to the movies and saw "We bought a zoo."  It was an enjoyable movie for all ages.

Although busy these past few days I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a wonderful 2012 hoping for   happiness and good health throughout the new year.


Joanne said...

Happy new year to you too Barb! You both did a great job! We tore out a existing wooden deck thinking it would take just an hour tops...we found that beneath was a huge bed of rocks! It took us days to clear! Ugh! It's those jobs that you think will be a cinch that are the hardest and the biggest pain the rump!
Blessings, Joanne

Maria said...

At John's insistence, we went to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and it was terrific. It's not a movie that I would have picked myself, but I really did enjoy it and now I want to read the book!